Freelance SEMH Consultant
Welcome to my website. I am a freelance specialist, with 19 years of experience working in the SEMH Sector across South West London.
I am passionate about working with all children, and sharing my skills and knowledge with adults to improve outcomes for all.
The lotus flower holds great symbolic weight in many cultures, due to its unique life cycle: it grows from the murkiest of waters to bloom into one of the most beautiful and resilient of flowers.
Like the lotus, I believe that all children, including those that have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences and have developed relational trauma, have the ability to blossom and thrive when they are supported, nurtured and understood by those around them.
I am proud to be an freelance trainer for ACEducation, delivering attachment and trauma training to mainstream schools.
My ethos is based on the key principles of nurture, understanding and wellbeing, and I strive to improve these with everyone I work with, whether it be a child, their parents or carers, or adults working in educational settings, both mainstream and specialist.
I have a proven track record in improving outcomes for pupils and empowering staff. For some of the services I can provide, please see 'Schools and Academies' and 'Parents and Carers', or contact me to discuss your bespoke needs.
To take care of, feed, and protect someone; to help them to develop...
The knowledge and ability to judge a particular situation or subject, or a willingness to understand peoples' behaviour...
The state of being or doing well in life; happy, healthy, or prosperous condition; moral or physical welfare of a person or community...
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